Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Boredom jar


The two words I think most moms cringe at hearing are "I'm bored!" or "There's nothing to do!" Quite frankly I feel like there is a lot to do, but my six year old digresses. I saw this on pintrest this morning and said, "Yep. I'm gonna make that!"

This morning over breakfast the girls and I talked about fun things that they liked doing. We made a list and with some fun ones from the website we wrote on (with a pen, not a sharpie, they bleed) the popsicle sticks. I was going to print them, but the words would have been small and I'm running out of ink.  Our popsicles include activities like:

Take a walk, go on the patio, color a picture, play with toys, play a board game, write a story, clean your room, draw a picture with your toes, have a fashion show, lego building contest (using no__ or height requirement) do a paper craft, bake something, watch a movie, etc...

We took an empty and clean soup can and covered it with the label "The Bored Jar"  and Hannah drew a duck on it.

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